Dear family,

Thank you for your contributions that help make this gathering happen. These are the ways to make contributions this year:

Main Weekend (Friday, August 15 – Sunday, August 17)

To attend the main weekend, August 15-17, the contribution will be offered in multiple tiers and will increase closer to the gathering dates. This contribution for the main weekend includes our amazing food (Total of five meals) (Friday, August 15 – Sunday, August 17).

All contributions are non-refundable, but transferable with prior agreement with Peace Temple.

Tier 1  (Feb 1 – March 31)   $200 
Tier 2  (April 1 – May 31)   $250
Tier 3  (June 1 – July 31)   $300
Tier 4  (August 1 – August 14)   $350

For the main weekend, if you are bringing kids under 5, a contribution amount for each child is a quarter of the current tier, however, please contact us prior to making this decision.

For the main weekend, if you are bringing kids between 5 and 13 years old, a contribution is half of the current tier. Anyone 14 and older is considered an adult.

Kids Weekend (Friday, August 18 – Sunday, August 10)

To attend the kids weekend:

– $100 per night for camping.
– $170 per night for the dorm bed.
– $380 per night for a private tiny cabin.

Kids b
etween 5 and 13 years old
– $80 per night for camping.
– $150 per night for the dorm bed.

Kids between under 5 years old
– $30

Extra Days

Throughout the duration of the gathering, but besides the weekends, unless you are volunteering, the cost of attendance per person is:

– $50 per night for camping
– $85 per night for the dorm bed.
– $140 per night for a private tiny cabin.

Kids b
etween 5 and 13 years old
– $40 for camping
– $70 per night for the dorm bed.

Kids between under 5 years old
– $30


Please fill out the form below, adding each participant individually. 

Participant details